Old Ulcinj

  • reef dive montenegro
  • water diving clip art thumb dive montenegro
    Type: Reef/Cave

Some 60 min of boat ride south of Bar, lays one of the fewer Montenegrin islets- Old Ulcinj.

A small islet is located close to the shore near Kruce. It looks like splinter that broke off from the mainland during some violent tectonic event. The place got the name, because of one of the theories that ancient town of Dolcigno Vecchio, that disappeared beneath the sea, was located here. Many divers even contact me and ask if they can see sunken city. In truth, after hundreds of hours of diving at this location, we were not able to find any trace of it. Nevertheless, the island makes for an excellent reef/cave dive, and the beautiful site seeing location.

  • Depth: 5-25m
  • Visibility: Good