The “Cannon ship”

  • shipwreck dive montenegro
    Type: wreck

One of the most mysterious in these waters is certainly the wreck that is lying some 1.5 nm of the point Voluica near Bar.It was discovered by the group of underwater filmmakers in 1993. They were led to the location by the local fisherman that knew that there was something large there, because fisherman from Bar were repeatedly loosing their gear there, gettin caught o something.

The wreck is laying upright on the bottom, imbedded in the muddy sea floor. The deck of the wreck is about 1m of the bottom. There are two large front load cannons of 3.3 m in length sticking out of the starboard side, looking like just they are just about ready to fire, or maybe they were at the time when the ship went down. One of the dive teams discovered gun rack on the deck of the ship. It is obvious that it was a military vessel.

The further investigation brought more questions than answers. According to the building materials used on the ship it appears to be from the 19th century, but these type of cannons were used in the much earlier period. Furthermore, there are no records at all, about any ship disaster at this location. Maybe in the future, hydro-archeologists will tell us the more complete story about this mysterious shipwreck.

Often poor visibility and depth, make this wreck to be available only to deep/tech divers.

  • Depth: 50m
  • Visibility: fear/poor